The competition begins. Press-conference
Samara, Samara Region
KPMG (Moscow, Russia)
Drees and Sommer LLC (Moscow, Russia))
IND architects (Moscow, Russia)
AURORA GROUP (Moscow, Russia)
To develop an effective and economically sound concept of integrated development of the territory located around the Samara Arena stadium.
International, two-stage, open.
Russian and foreign organizations in the field of integrated development of territories and urban planning, architecture, design, and elaboration of concepts for the development of public spaces and capable of attracting specialists in the field of economics, finances, and content programming to the team.
According to results of the selection stage, three finalists will be selected on the basis of a relevant portfolio and essays, and will be engaged in the development of proposals.
The three finalists who develop the final bids will be paid a fee totaling 2,400,000 rubles, including all taxes and fees. Following a meeting of the jury, the finalists, will receive an additional payment in accordance with prize distribution, including all taxes and fees, in the following amounts:
По итогам заседания жюри финалистам в соответствии с распределением призовых мест будет производиться доплата, включающая все налоги и сборы в соответствующем размере:
• Winner – 3,600,000 rubles;
• Second place – 2,400,000 rubles;
• Third place – 1,200,000 rubles.
The total Prize Fund, including all taxes and fees, will be 14,400,000 rubles.
26 February 2020
10 March 2020
Introductory webinar for participants of the competition
20 March 2020
Application submission closes
19 May 2020
Jury meeting
5 - 6 August 2020 Orientation seminar for the finalists
4 September 2020
Concept submission closes
2 October 2020
Final jury meeting. Press-conference
Dmitriy AzarovSamara Region Governor
Anatoly BarannikovFirst Deputy Minister of Construction of the Samara Region, Chief Architect of the Samara Region
Anna BeregovskihHead of ITP Grad, Chairman of the Council of the National Guild of Urban Planners
Igor GalakhovHead of the Office of the Chief Architect of the Administration of the Samara City District
Vitalii IvanovCEO of State Autonomous Establishment of Samara Region "Samara Arena"
Elina KrasilnikovaGeneral Director of the ALTS Green ART architectural and landscape bureau
Victor KudryashovFirst Vice Governor, head of the Samara region Government
Elena LapushkinaHead of Samara City District
Vladimir PlotkinChief Architect, Founding Partner TPO “RESERVE”
Valeri PoliPartner of the Architectural Bureau Valode & Pistre Architectes
Alexander PuzanovGeneral Director of the Institute for Urban Economics Foundation
Maxim SoiferGeneral Director of the Corporation for the Development of the Samara Region